North Walsham Community Network

Home Page > About NWCN


The North Walsham Community Network was established in February 2023 as the refocused organisation previously named North Walsham Think Carer Network.  The aims of the new Community Network are similar to the Think Carer Network but are wider, incorporating a larger membership and aiming to benefit everyone in North Walsham and surrounding area. 


Aims of North Walsham Community Network:

The overall aim is to improve the wellbeing, health and development of individuals in North Walsham and surrounding area. 


     The Network will do this by:


a)    Increasing communication, co-operation, understanding and joint working between network members (for example regular member meetings and communication).

b)    Gathering, sharing and making publicly accessible information about services of Network members and other relevant services and resources (for example website Portal).

c)    Identifying gaps in current provision, and informing service providers responsible, along with discussing possible solutions.

d)    Signposting and connecting people who need support to organisations and individuals who can help them, with due regard to confidentiality (for example Community Contact Points).

e)    Providing information, training, meetings and events for individuals and/or organisations (for example the Big Bash).

f)     Encouraging and enabling volunteering and new community initiatives (for example presence at the Big Help Out event).

g)    Building the capacity of local groups to support their sustainability and help them to deliver their aims.


We all benefit from being connected to others and that is the key purpose of the Community Network.  The Community Network will continue the good work of the Think Carer Network with organising the Big Bash Community event, sharing information and bringing people together for the benefit of the community, particularly those who are vulnerable or in need of support.


Membership of North Walsham Community Network is free and open to:  

1.    Individuals over the age of 18 residing in and around North Walsham

2.    a voluntary or community group or organisation that supports (directly or indirectly) people in the North Walsham area.

3.    And who are committed to the aims of the Network


Members are invited to meetings that are held approximately 3 times a year where you can give your views about the future work of the Network and hear news about services and activities in the town.  

Members are also invited to the organised community events and meetings. 

We would be pleased to have more local people involved.



Date tbc



1.30-4pm on Saturday 20 April at Community Centre



We welcome enquiries and comments about North Walsham Community Network, please send to:


Phone:  07721663979  and leave a message

Post:   North Walsham Community Network, c/o St Nicholas Church, Market Place, North Walsham NR28 9BT 






North Walsham Big Bash

The next Big Bash community event is on 20 April 2024. 

The event will take place at the Community Centre.  Look out for the details around town and as a member of the Community Network nearer the time.  

If you would like to know more about this fun and informative event please contact us.



NW Community Network Portal


This website portal was set up in 2022 to enable easy access to a wide range of online information that people may find helpful.

Buttons on the portal will contain links that connect to websites or programmes that provide detailed information or will enable people to ask questions or raise issues of concern that can be directed to appropriate people or authorities.


The portal will also provide opportunities for the community to respond to local need or have its voice heard on matters of local or national interest or debate. This two-way conversation is an essential ingredient of this project and will highlight gaps in services, as well as identifying opportunities for collaboration, increasing skills and volunteering, and innovative solutions.  .


 The portal can be accessed:

           on any equipment at:

            by scanning the QR code

            or at a Community Contact Point



The portal is under development and any comments or suggestions regarding how it can be improved to better support the community are welcome.



Community Contact Points

This is a pilot project in North Walsham that started in March 2023, to connect individuals, groups, businesses and services together in a new and improved way to increase access to information and the well-being of the community.

People meet others in a variety of settings – shops, cafes, churches, pubs and clubs, hairdressers and public amenities, such as libraries. As well as the obvious social benefits, these are opportunities to share information and find out about people, groups and services we might want to link to.  This project will improve access to the internet for local people using those settings so they can find essential information, resources and support that will help to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.   

These Community Contact Points will provide a warm and welcoming venue for conversations with others. Each of these will be committed to providing access, and basic assistance if needed, to on-line information, via a simple portal connected to locally designed websites. Initial Contact Points are located at Hughes, the library, the Salvation Army hall, Swallows café, and The Crown in Trunch.  


 Look out for the NW Community Network Contact Point logo in the window of premises.





Please send any enquiries or comments about a North Walsham Community Network project to:


Phone:  07721663979  and leave a message

Post:   North Walsham Community Network, c/o St Nicholas Church, Market Place, North Walsham NR28 9BT